Things I Ought to Be Doing, Reminders of Which I Can See From Where I Sit

Strangely enough, I always thinks of these things on a day of rest. Thankfully.

1. Send half a dozen knitted quilt squares to Warm Up America.

2. Write a publishable and thrilling seminar paper about service-learning and written instruction and pragmatic approach to both.

3. Write a publishable and thrilling seminar paper about Ales Debeljak's use of Burkian identification to write for both an American and Slovenian audience and merge the priorities of both through his book The City and the Child.

4. Study Latin.

5. Buy some sort of Latin-studying aid--maybe Rossetta.

6. Read more of the epistles if I want to finish them by Christmas.

7. Study BSC--heck, maybe, again, Rossetta.

8. Buy the last of my sister's Christmas presents--which is an entirely genius with a capital G package, but I can't mention what it is specifically because, while it's unlikely, she might read my blog.

9. Write a publishable and thrilling personal essay for the David O. McKay contest that manages to bring me: a) fame, b) riches and c) no one mad at me for how I write about them. I'm wondering if I'd settle for two out of three.

10. Email the IBR people to find out what the heck happened to my application to use human subjects in an experiment.

11. Finish grading my students' ten-page papers. Yeah, it takes its sweet time, but this is the only truly heavy-weight assignment of the semester and it drives at me that I can tell what grade they're getting on it by the end of the introduction.

12. Get asked out on dates more often--do they sell a Rosetta for that?

13. Go to International Cinema more often. I've had the poster on my wall all year and I think I've only gone once, maybe twice this semester.

14. Lose 10 pounds.

15. Paint the last picture in the series I started this summer. The first one ,Two Trees After the Fall, is quite good. The second, Death and Hell, less so. It's the redemption painting that'll be a doosy, and if my trend continues...well...

16. Write more sketches for DC. I have a dozen ideas, but I talk about them more than just sit down and write them. Also, I need to put up posters, hand out fliers, etc, etc.

17. Call nursing homes to see if we can carol for them next Sunday.

18. Vaccuum my room

Hmm. I guess I should be pleased that I can only find 18 things in my room that remind me of things I need to do. I tell you what, though, I'm not going in the kitchen.


Jamie Zvirzdin said…
Mary, you have a whole 'nother month before you have to make resolutions! But they were very good and I am very proud of you, especially for continuing to want to learn Latin. That was a lot of fun and I miss that.

You might need to Cool Down America what with global warming and all, so maybe you should rethink that one.

Andrew and I went to the market to fetch some figgy pudding and got Christmas decorations instead (and an advent calendar!). A fake little tree for 7 Euros is not bad!!!
xister said…
What did you see that made you think that you need to go on more dates? The others I can sort of envision.
mlh said…
Xister--mostly it was my pile of homework.

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