Products of A Slightly Fevered Mind After A Long Girls' Night Out.

1. 28 Dresses Later a high-adrenaline zombie-bridesmaid thriller. When one dress too many turns the minds of the perpetual bridesmaid, they roam post-apocalyptic London, tearing to shreds everyone with well-manicured nails and biting them with their recently-whitened teeth.

2. I wake up, groggy, bed-headed, pajamaed. Lying next to me, fully dressed on top of the bed is Gregory Mankiw, the economist. "You're Greg Mankiw," I intelligently remark.

He springs out of bed and stands up. "Would you like to discuss consumer surplus and tariffs?"

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"Don't you remember the Make-a-Wish Foundation?"

3. I was going to throw my tiara, but it turns out to be made of popcorn. "What a cheap groom I have," I think. He's already changed into jeans by the time his extensive family starts playing a traditional game of "here kitty, kitty," around the equally extensive reception grounds. I have no idea why we're doing this, but it's traditional.


xister said…
Wow. . . wow. That is impressive. Were you not even a little worried that Gregory Mankiw was in your bed? Creepy! You should email him and tell him he needs to stop that.

Things are still pretty busy, but not nearly so stressful. I had a couple of whirlwind weeks, so now I'm just picking up the pieces and preparing for finals.
Lobbie said…
Wow Mary, this tops any stories you've written while you've been conscience. Though I have to agree that Gregory Mankiw on your bed seems just a little creepy
JustMe said…
You do realize that Mankiw read all this and posted it on his blog, right?
Unknown said…
As someone who (also?) follows Mankiw's Blog, I must say I am confused. I don't understand your connection to Mankiw, though I imagine he has many blog contacts which may have alerted him.

Another possibility is that he regularly reads your Blog because of its regular insightfullness, and I am confused because I have only read this one eclectic post...
Makayla Steiner said…
Not that I have any idea (or care very much, for that matter) who Greg Mankiw is, but I do think it's rather funny that he posted part of your post on his blog... you're getting awfully famous Mary... watch it... LOL.
DRDR said…
I would guess that Mankiw has a google alert set up to let him know when others mention his blog, and this happened to come up, and he thought it was pretty funny. End of story.
Nikhil said…
hey, also here from mankiw's blog... i think its pretty amazing that he actually linked to it but u still only have 6 comments :)
hey, also here from mankiw's blog... i think that dream you had about Greg is hilarious and you're a pretty darn good writer with an impressive readership considering that your blog is not set up to occupy a niche (unlike most big-time blogs like Mankiws) so Nikhil should just go start his own blog.
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