Lamer than a cool construction paper invite

Halloween Party

My parents' place
7:00 pm- ?

Costumes welcome.

Sorry that it's lame, but I haven't really been able to make the cool invites that I'd like because the date didn't get scheduled for far too long. Hope you can come. If you can't, call and be there in spirit!


Day said…
I think the uber-amazing coolness of the construction paper invites from times past carries it thorough. . .

They were pretty cool. :)

Can I bring anything?
Jamie Zvirzdin said…
Must . . . go . . . Mary's . . . party . . . must . . . break . . . physical . . . barrier . . .

I'll be there in spirit.
Jennifer said…
Awesome. My spirit's going as a ghost this year.
Christian said…
I'm so there. I like how it would technically be an all hallow's/Saint's day party, no longer on the eve.
mlh said…

LAST Saturday, not November 1st.
xister said…
Maybe you should have one this Saturday. It sounds like you might have a crowd there anyways. :)

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