Cue "Good Riddence" and Vitamin C

Ah, the end of my BYUness.

I haven't really thought much about it, probably because I'm prone to nostalgia, even in the moment of nostaling: I cried my last week of high school. I hate the idea of moving on, leaving things, forgetting things. I'll turn in my last paper of BYU. I'll clean out my graduate instructor cubicle. I'll have to prepare to live far away from all my friends and family, in a place where I don't know the age and ownership of almost every building. Sigh...


Marian said…
You know, it's wise to expect the nostalgia. I think it's worse when it hits to later un-prepared. Good job getting through BYU!
Emily Lyman said…
Mary...I completely get this. For Hedengren's BYU was just an extension of high school. We walked across the street and we got to pick our classes. It was strange for me when I left P-town. But...look out world! Here comes Mary the wonderful!

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