Because It's Summer and I Want To

Although I wrote 15 pages on my novel today, need to mow the lawn, learn Latin, buy stuff for Europe and go running, here I am...

Four Movies I could Watch over and over:

1. The Italian Job
2. The Incredibles
3. P&P, the mormon one
4. Children of Heaven

these sucked and ergo I add my own:

Four Books I could read over and over again:

1. Moby Dick
2. The Moon is Down (although I might need a little break after the thesis)
3. Flannery O'Connor's collected works
4. A series of unfortunate events (they can't all be deep)

Four Jobs I've Had:

1. BYU Bookstore Giftwrap Girl
2. American Economic History TA
3. Student Literary Magazine Editor
4. Substitute Cafeteria worker

Four Places I've Lived:

1. Provo
2. St. Petersburg
3. Provo again
4. St. Petersburg again

Four of My Favorite dishes/foods:

1. Thai food--Padd Thai is always good, and coconut curry
2. Carrot cake w/ cream cheese frosting carrots
3. Microwave salmon.
4. Margarita pizza from Costco

Four T.V. Shows I Love:

1. Monk
2. Law&Order (w/sam waterson, none of this spin-off nonesense
3. House (someday ask my about my House phase)
4. Star Trek

Four sites I visit daily:
(I visit no site daily. I'm not good at daily, but here's my most frequent:)

1. Gmail
2. BYU Library
3. Wikipedia
4. Blogspot.

Four Places I'd rather be right now:

1. Nowhere, really, I love my parents' place
2. Just West of Valaam island, swimming
3. Dave's apartment in Washington DC
4. Anywhere less overcast


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