The closing music at the library... "Waterfalls."



dkm said…
I thought your cheerful vigil was wonderful. Thanks for the slice of life!
xister said…
Congratulations for a successful librarathon! I'm so jealous that I didn't get to join you. And that I only got to hang out with you for about 20 minutes of it. I'm a bit of a libraraloser this semester I guess. :)
Jennifer said…
As in "don't go chasin'"? What happened to Metallica?
Lobbie said…
I was wondering that too. Is this classic TLC we're talking about or the endlessly overplayed John Schmidt hit?
mlh said…
Schmidt, I'm afraid.
Makayla Steiner said…
I like Jon Schmidt... his concerts are incredibly entertaining, if not somewhat cheesy. Not sure how they compare to Ryan Shupe though... LOL
Nick Stentzel said…
you know if it were the TLC version, I just might study for a change...
Nick Stentzel said…
you know if it were the TLC version, I just might study for a change...

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