The Quilt I Won't Make

This last month, after spending sweat, tears and $14.00 in supplies to make a tiny jean picnic quilt, I realized that it's just not worth it. Which is a hard thing to realize when you consider that I've carefully saved, cut up, and moved my t-shirt squares to Texas on the hope that finally, finally I was going to make my sentimental college t-shirt quilt. This is the face of my BYU physics professor. Someone in class did the art and collected quotes for the t-shirt. Aw.....Divine Comedy t-shirt. The big pink one. Hell Run t-shirt Plant museum at the Bean museum Summer statistics camp at UT. They gave us models and cookies Run for Kiva--"teleraces" are terrible. Turns out sentimentality is a pain. So I took pictures of the squares I cared about and then {wince, grimmace} threw them away. My great aunt Dona would maybe be disappointed, but probably not. I have a good job, I can buy blankets, and I get frustrated when they don...